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Posts related to ‘Trends + Transformation’

December 16, 2021
James Norman
International business development director
Africa and insurance claims management: Building momentum

With a young population, strong human capital and large regional insurance hubs, the potential of the African insurance sector is well known. As the second fastest growing insurance market behind Latin America, it has a landscape all its own with est…

December 16, 2021 by James Norman, International business development director
December 10, 2021
Scott Westman
senior vice president, casualty operations
The further we go, the closer we get: Moving ahead in workers’ compensation

The further we get from the start of the pandemic, the more permanent the changes to the world of workers’ compensation become. New industry players have been introduced, business needs have been refined and program practices have evolved. Those who …

December 10, 2021 by Scott Westman, senior vice president, casualty operations
December 09, 2021
Dr. Teresa Bartlett
managing director, senior medical officer
The “new normal” in healthcare

At the height of the pandemic, healthcare resources approached capacity and the industry was under pressure to adapt quickly to changing conditions. As companies consider business strategies for 2022, many conversations center on some of the ways org…

December 09, 2021 by Dr. Teresa Bartlett, managing director, senior medical officer
November 24, 2021
Ben Price
head of operations, MCL Global
Major and complex loss review 2021

Since early 2020, organisations in every sphere of business have felt the pressure of an unforeseen, unprecedented global pandemic — it has continuously tested our resourcefulness and ingenuity. Even as our ability to meet, talk and intera…

November 24, 2021 by Ben Price, head of operations, MCL Global
November 11, 2021
Lisa Frederick
quality assurance manager, Australia
How Sedgwick Australia has improved and elevated claims handling practices during COVID-19

After an extended battle with COVID-19 and the ensuing lockdown, Australia is slowly beginning to lessen border restrictions and reopen its economy. A federal roadmap led the way — supported by an underlying framework created by the states and …

November 11, 2021 by Lisa Frederick, quality assurance manager, Australia
November 08, 2021
COVID-19 Australia update: Surprises in the detail of the Second Test Case Judgment

In most court decisions there can be surprises, and one could say that the decision of Jagot J in the Second COVID-19 Insurance Test Case had its own share of the unexpected. In reviewing the decision in the Second Test Cases, the aspects that relate…

November 08, 2021
November 04, 2021
Brian McDonald
ACII APCIP, head of fraud engagement
The challenge for commercial landlords amid COVID-19

Property investors and commercial landlords want and need tenants who will respect and occupy their units while paying the agreed rent on time. That’s a fact. If one tenant leaves, they maintain their investment — generally safe in the knowledg…

November 04, 2021 by Brian McDonald, ACII APCIP, head of fraud engagement
October 31, 2021
Diego Ascani
Chief executive officer, Australia
Evolving workforce challenges in Australia: Local needs and global solutions

With its wide array of mountains, rain forests, beaches and deserts, Australia offers wide interest and appeal to those from around the world. The impact of the pandemic has changed our lives, work and the vacation destination on a scale never seen b…

October 31, 2021 by Diego Ascani, Chief executive officer, Australia
October 21, 2021
Kimberley Daley
Head of professional services Australia
Australia update: Business interruption policy response to COVID-19

Since the outbreak of COVID-19 in early 2020, there has been intense interest in the extent to which business interruption policies would respond to claims for business losses arising from COVID-19. In September 2020, Sedgwick published an extensive…

October 21, 2021 by Kimberley Daley, Head of professional services Australia
October 21, 2021
Meg Rothenberg
Director of premium audit
Agility in action: Communication changes in audit services

Regardless of your role, industry or expertise — the stress of the past nearly two years has changed the way we communicate. As our personal and professional needs evolve, it can take time to adjust to new technologies and methods of communicat…

October 21, 2021 by Meg Rothenberg, Director of premium audit
October 14, 2021
Andrew Berg
AVP, Operations
Mental health-related absence: Trends and predictions

Employee mental health is becoming a greater focus among business leaders as it can significantly impact organizational productivity and performance. Production demands, financial worries and chronic pain — not to mention the uncertainty around…

October 14, 2021 by Andrew Berg, AVP, Operations
September 22, 2021
Chris Harvey
VP, crisis solution
Pet food faces increased scrutiny as regulators hold manufacturers accountable

Research [1] has shown that many people prefer the company of their pets to that of their children. So it should come as no surprise that recent pet food recalls have angered pet lovers and spurred regulators to swift action. And of course, plaintiff…

September 22, 2021 by Chris Harvey, VP, crisis solution
September 13, 2021
Luke Evans
COVID-19 is still impacting recall trends across Europe

While there’s light at the end of the COVID-19 tunnel and consumers anticipate a return to normal, ‘business-as-usual’ is still a long way off, as reported in our 2021 Recall Index report. Essential reading for manufacturers and retailers seeking i…

September 13, 2021 by Luke Evans
September 10, 2021
Chris Harvey, VP crisis solution
Stricter regulatory enforcement ahead for all industries in 2021 and 2022

As regulators, businesses and organizations emerge from the global pandemic, each is struggling to find its path to a new “new normal.” Most are finding it’s a rocky path. Significant questions and uncertainty persist, and reputational risks to compa…

September 10, 2021 by Chris Harvey, VP crisis solution
September 09, 2021
Max Koonce
chief claims officer
Vaccine implications in workers’ compensation

As the battle against COVID-19 rages on, vaccinations have become a front-line conversation. The workers’ compensation implications must be addressed, as there aren’t yet any specific laws or court decisions that can guide COVID-19 vaccine-related si…

September 09, 2021 by Max Koonce, chief claims officer
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